Your Wednesday Trump Dump

Trump is suddenly all about calling and sending out letters of condolence to the families of soldiers who died in the line of duty. He claims he did not say the insensitive thing he is supposed to have said to one widow and that he has proof. But of course, when Donald Trump claims to have proof of something, we never ever see it.

Eric Levitz says that even with a Republican House and Senate, it's looking like Trump's tax plan is not going to make it. Wasn't one of the selling points for his candidacy that he was this great deal-maker who could negotiate anything and everything and get things done?

It looks like the U.S. has just about won the war against ISIS by following the strategies laid out during the Obama administration. This presents a problem for Trump since he has to take credit for everything good, can't give any to his predecessor and can't point to anything he did differently. What's the answer? According to Kevin Drum, Trump has started claiming that ISIS gave up just because they knew Donald Trump was president. Right.

Remember when John McCain was a maverick who didn't automatically side with his own party? Then remember when he wanted to be president so he became something else? Well, Jonathan Chait thinks the old John McCain is back…and is offering serious opposition to his party's leader, D.J.T.

And lastly: Chait thinks that all of Trump's ranting about how Obamacare is dead and defunct is prelude to Trump getting a few fixes made to it, rebranding it (maybe even as Trumpcare) and declaring it the cheaper, better health care plan that he promised everyone. You know, just like the wall he promised has turned into other, more possible variations.