Dispatches From the Fortress – Day 196

I had a great time last night interviewing my buddy Ron Friedman…though I think I could have saved some time by listing the TV shows he hasn't worked on. You can still watch the whole conversation here and if you crave more of Ron's great stories, there's an awful lot of them in his autobiography. We plugged it during the show but neglected to tell you where you can get a copy. Here's where you can get a copy.

For some reason, a number of folks lately have written to ask me various versions of the question, "Do you believe in psychics?" Here's my simple answer: I believe there are people who claim to be psychics and I believe these people can be divided into two groups: Those who deceive others into thinking they have psychic powers and those who deceive themselves. The latter group includes the many people who say things like, "I'm not saying I have psychic powers but there are times when I just seem to know something before someone tells me or before it happens and I can't explain how I know."

I also have a few messages lately from someone who doesn't have the e-mail address of someone they wish to write to but knows that I do and believes that kind of thing should be open knowledge and I must hand it over. Years ago, someone demanded a certain phone number I had and accused me of interfering with their Freedom of Speech by not furnishing it. They sent me this long, incoherent message about how they had a God-given right to talk to anyone they wanted to talk to. I wrote back that they should ask God to give them the number.

No Trump item today here. If you're dying to read about him, I suspect you can find one or two other websites where he's mentioned. Bye for now.