Today's Hanukkah Video Link

I am of Jewish heritage but only on my father's side. Because my mother was Catholic and both families frowned on two such people getting married, they basically raised me to be nothing in particular. This has worked out a lot better than folks who are devout to one faith or another would probably admit.

When asked what I am, I say I'm Jewish even though there was never any thought of me being Bar Mitzvahed and the last time I set foot in a synagogue it was to attend a Purim Festival when I was around fifteen.

When I was young, we did a few of the Jewish traditions and ceremonies…like I did have a Menorah and for a few years, we'd light the candles each year until one year when we just plain forgot. For no particular reason, I've decided that this year, I'm going to celebrate the eight days of Hanukkah by posting a different Hanukkah video each evening. Cover your head and watch this one…