Monday Morning

A couple of items before I hunker down to finish a script…

My longtime (of at least 54 years) friend Bruce Reznick was the first of several to write and tell me that the alleged Dorothy Parker quote — "I hate writing, I love having written" — was first fabricated by novelist Frank Norris prior to 1915. Well, okay. I don't know that it matters much who said it just as long as that person was a working writer. It means something else if it's spoken by someone not pursuing a career in that profession.

I really liked the TV series called The Kids in the Hall when it was first produced from 1988 to 1995. I liked reruns of it that could sometimes be found after that. And I really like the new series that the same guys have just done for Amazon. I'm impressed that after that long hiatus, they're still at the top of their game.

It's really sad how so many people have accepted a couple of mass shootings per day as just one of those things that happens in the world and we have to live with it.

My article about corned beef here brought some odd comments from folks who don't seem to understand that I avoid spicy foods and things like horseradish not because I do not have their refined palates but because some foods make me seriously ill. I've been meaning to restart a series of articles here about living with food allergies. One of the amazing things to me has always been that some people don't get that just because they can eat a certain thing doesn't mean anyone can.

If you have a P.C. and you're always searching for files you can't locate on your hard disk, give Everything a try. It's, as they say on their site, "…a search engine that locates files and folders by filename instantly for Windows. Unlike Windows Search, Everything initially displays every file and folder on your computer…hence the name, 'Everything.'" It's saved me a lot of time.

And I'm going to put that time to good use and finish that script. Be back later.