Today's Video Link

Here's a short video that does a good job explaining what the Writers Strike is all about…

There's a mention in there of the studios "stockpiling" scripts in anticipation of a strike. I have no idea how true that is this time but in the four previous strikes I've been in, we kept hearing that they wouldn't need our services for months because they'd stockpiled scripts…and that really wasn't true. Here and there, there were a few shows that had some and there were a few largely-unsuccessful attempts to produce new shows by reusing old scripts. But for the most part, it didn't work. Even when they did have old scripts, there was no one there who could rewrite what needed rewriting.

One thing that made it obvious they didn't have the rumored stockpiles was that they were also trying to cast us as the Bad Guys by saying, "Look how many cameramen, make-up people, grips, lighting guys (etc.) are out of work because the writers forced us to shut down production!" Obviously, if you have plenty of stockpiled scripts, you don't shut down production.