Recommended Reading

John Dickerson on Rick Santorum. I don't mean to bring up Santorum so much on this site but he really is the kind of politician who appalls me: The kind that wraps his views, many of which promote intolerance and non-Christian values, in pages torn badly from The Bible.

In college, I debated a guy like that. He had all these bizarre views about sex and race — hateful stuff directed towards anyone with a better romantic life or darker skin. Instead of presenting them as his views and defending them on that basis, he'd found dubious quotes in Scripture via which he could argue that they weren't his views; they were the decree of God and/or Jesus. He was just the messenger telling us, as God had told him, that we were supposed to allow segregation in the classroom and never have sex if you aren't prepared to make a baby. He could not or would not defend his views on any basis other than that they came from The Almighty and to oppose him was to oppose Him.

I don't mind folks whose political views are derived from their religious views…and of course, everyone has the right to both.  I just think that if your political views make any sense at all, they ought to stand up on their own without hiding behind Faith.