Today's Video Link

I am to cooking what Lindsay Lohan is to SNL-hosting but I do enjoy learning how those who can cook cook. I've taken to "tuning in" to the adventures at Cookus Interruptus, which is a site featuring short sitcom-like cooking videos. There's a continuing cast of folks, some of whom teach you how to make things, some of whom kibbitz and observe. The episodes are fun to watch even if, as in my case, you're never going to try to replicate the recipes in your own home.

I picked an installment almost at random to embed here. In this one, Jane (played by Bhama Roget) demonstrates how to make coconut-encrusted date pecan bon bons. Basically, you combine all the main things that I'm allergic to and would die from eating…but for those who don't have my food intolerances, they're probably a taste delight. Her grandfather Ward is played by my pal Frank Buxton, who I've written about before on this blog. Frank's an actor, writer, producer, voiceover artist and he was even briefly a game show host before going into semi-retirement in the state of Washington, which is where they produce these. I kinda like how they make food preparation seem almost humanly possible…