Ken Levine Alert!

Ken Levine is the man who's actually had more careers than Larry King has had wives. Ken was a disc jockey. Ken was and I guess still is a top, Emmy-getting TV comedy writer and showrunner, plus somewhere in there he became a director and also a screenwriter. He did all these things so well that he also became a sportscaster and now he's branching out into writing books. All of this, of course, yields mere pocket change compared to his lucrative, Romney-like income as a top blogger.

Why the desperate overachieving? All part of a sad, obvious plan to stay so busy that he can't have lunch with me again…and he's wasting his time and energy because right now, I'm too busy to have lunch with him. But I wasn't too busy to order his new book called, as you can see above, The Me Generation…by Me.  It's all about growing up in the sixties not far from where I grew up in the sixties…to the extent either of us grew up at all.  If you're familiar with Ken's essays from his blog — a truly funny blog in the web-desert of folks trying way too hard to write truly funny blogs — no further sales pitch is necessary. Darn near everything he writes makes you want to "pull a Berle" and claim it as your own.

Order a copy here. And then listen in as Ken guests later today (Wednesday) on Stu's Show, the Internet's foremost place for folks in television to talk about themselves. Your chummy host Stu Shostak will be interviewing Ken for two hours (and maybe more) starting at 4 PM Pacific Time which is 7 PM Eastern Time and other times in other zones. The point is the show is live, meaning you can listen in as they do it, which I suggest. It's more fun that way and it's also free. After the show "airs" ("bytes?"), you can download it from the Stu's Show website for a buck…or the bargain price of four different Stu's Shows for three bucks. Go to to do any of this. If they do call-ins, someone ask Ken to tell the story of the times he had writing auditions (separate) with Allan Carr and Traci Lords, and also find out if they were dressed the same.