Today's Video Link

I'm not embedding this because it's a C-Span video and anything with Congress on it seems to cause everything to freeze up and not work. It's Senator Al Franken taking to the Senate floor to eulogize his late writing partner, Tom Davis. I'm of two minds about this, one being that it does seem like a self-indulgent squandering of the peoples' time. On the other hand, every single Congressperson and Senator does things like this and some of them do a lot more of it than Franken…and it is an interesting speech.

A lot of it was about a sketch Franken and Davis wrote for Saturday Night Live in which Julia Child (played by Dan Aykroyd) cut herself and bled to death on her show. I don't recall that as being anywhere near the finest work for Mssrs. Franken, Davis or Aykroyd but some folks — including the three of them plus Ms. Child — loved it. What I do find kinda funny is to imagine them doing that sketch…and there they are backstage afterwards with several of them still dripping stage blood…

…and Franken says to the other two, "Hey, that went great. You know, I think I'll mention that on the floor of the United States Senate if I ever get elected as — oh, I dunno…maybe the junior senator from the great state of Minnesota."

Somehow, I don't think that was said. Here's a link to the video…and do be careful. It is, after all, C-Span.