Finger Painting

My friend Marc Tyler Nobleman has a new book out I've mentioned here before, I believe. It's called Bill the Boy Wonder: The Secret Co-Creator of Batman. Well-illustrated by Ty Templeton, it tells the story of Bill Finger, who a lot of us think should be credited as the co-creator of you-know-who. In fact, even Bob Kane who got sole credit said in his (appropriately ghost-written) autobiography that he regretted that Finger's name was not on there. That was a nice thing of him to say, I guess. And it could even have been meaningful if he'd then called up DC Comics and said, "Hey, remember that contract I made with you that specified that I be credited as the sole creator of Batman and any characters in his comic? Well, let's change that and add Bill Finger's name in."

But Mr. Kane didn't do that. He should have. Among other things, it would have made for a happier ending to Marc's book…and there would then actually be people in the field of comics who had respect for Bob Kane.

NPR did a segment recently on Marc's book. You can listen to it on this page. And if you're moved to purchase a copy of said book, you can do that on this page.