Later Wednesday Morning

I don't understand a lot of the logic behind this morning's rulings on Gay Marriage. Scalia's dissent in the overturning of the Defense of Marriage Act reads to me like the rebuttal to his support the day before in the castration of the Voting Rights Act. I once heard someone on TV say of the High Court, "These guys decide how they want it to go in the same way that you and I decide how we want it to go. The difference is that they then have to look at the statutes and legal precedents and figure out how to parse them to justify the decision as based on law, not emotions." I'd like to believe that isn't always the case but clearly there's something to that.

Among folks I consider close friends, I don't think I have any who think that Same-Sex Wedlock will doom "real marriage" or humanity or cause God to smite us all. There were some a few years ago but they all seem to have "evolved" or maybe just accepted reality. Sometimes when you find yourself on the losing side, it's easier to get off the team before the final inning.

I just turned off the TV news coverage, having seen a spate of outraged dissenters promising, "This battle isn't over." It's understandable that we should hear that, especially from folks who've been able to demagogue the anti-gay position for a lot of money and/or attention…and they're right, in one sense, on a state-by-state basis. It'll be years before Adam and Steve can walk down the aisle in some states. But I dunno…if I was against Gay Marriage, I think I'd invest my time, donations and support in some cause that has a chance of succeeding.