Today's Bonus Video Link

So Kristen Chenoweth did two concerts this weekend at the Hollywood Bowl. I didn't go. I was literally moments from clicking to order seats on Ticketmaster when I got worried about my still-recovering knee. It takes a whole lotta walking to go to the Bowl.

If I'd gone Friday night, I would have seen this.  Ms. Chenoweth likes to pick someone out of the audience to come up on stage and duet with her. We've all seen this and sometimes, the result is awkward but it can also be quite endearing and fun. She selected — and everyone insists it was not a prearranged plant — a woman named Sarah Horn who teaches voice professionally. The results were…well, as you'll see, kinda thrilling. The video below has the moment as caught by a friend of Ms. Horn's in the audience. And on this page, you can read the whole story from her point of view…