Another Coincidence

A recurring theme on this blog is how amazing coincidences just seem to happen to its proprietor.

If you watched the 60 Minutes story on Jay Leno earlier this evening as I did, you saw some scenes set at the Comedy and Magic Club down in Hermosa Beach. Darn near every Sunday night, Jay and his friend 'n' fellow comedian Jimmy Brogan drive down there together and Jimmy opens for Jay. They really put on a fine show and those of you who only know Leno from The Tonight Show and wonder about his rep as a great stand-up would do well to get there some time and see him. And you'll also enjoy the heck out of Jimmy, who used to be Jay's main monologue writer. In the 60 Minutes segment, you saw Jimmy coming off stage as Jay went on.

Anyway, so I just took Carolyn over to a market and there, I ran into Jimmy Brogan, who I've known for years. I said, "Hey, I just saw you on 60 Minutes!" and he laughed and said, "I didn't. It was on while Jay and I were down at the club tonight and everyone backstage watched it except me because I was onstage at the time." We talked about other things but I had to ask him about Jay and he said it's pretty much like what he said on the show. He doesn't want to do another talk show and is turning down all inquiries and offers. Jimmy knows Jay as well as anyone who isn't married to him and he thinks Jay is really fine with the whole thing. That's good enough for me.