Family Feud


This is the time of year when TV shows do a lot of mailers and advertisers to folks in the TV Academy (such as moi) urging us to vote them Emmy Awards. I get dozens and dozens of DVDs, a few even from shows for which I'd consider voting.

A bit of a controversy is buzzing about due to a mention of Jews in one ad for Family Guy, which you can see above left. You can kinda guess what people are saying and why some are upset and I don't think it's going to amount to much of anything so I won't waste time seeing if I have an opinion on it. I probably don't.  I will say though that I laughed today when I unwrapped a DVD that the producers of that show sent out. I scanned the cover of it and it's above on the right. I've never seen the show but if it's as funny as that, I might watch it…someday.