Cartoonist Weekend


Hey, I didn't tell you where I am. I'm in San Diego, attending the annual meeting of the National Cartoonists Society. It's weird to be so close to the convention center where Comic-Con is held and not be there for Comic-Con. Yesterday morning, by sheer force of habit, I went over there to a convention of gas station operators and moderated panels on petroleum futures, how to avoid providing service and new technology in hourly price-raising. For some reason, Sergio was on two of these.

After decades of poaching at N.C.S. events, I have finally joined and paid dues. This could mean that I assumed some level of responsibility for my actions. Or it could mean they'd let me poach no longer. I'll let you decide. The N.C.S. has a grand and glorious tradition — so grand that it cannot be diminished by the inclusion of me. At least, they seem to think so.

The N.C.S. has regional chapters and does much good throughout the year, both for cartoonists and for people who are not cartoonists. Today, for example, members are being bused to a nearby Naval hospital to draw for patients and to a nearby aircraft carrier to entertain the folks aboard. Once a year, on or about Memorial Day weekend, there's a convention attended by as much of the membership as can get away to wherever the event is. It rotates all around the country.

Yesterday, I attended the business meeting, about which I am not allowed to blog. In the afternoon, there were seminars, one of which involved me interviewing Russ Heath, who is this year's recipient of the prestigious Milton Caniff Award. Russ was funny and interesting discussing his work before a hall of fellow creators.

In the evening, we all put on tuxedos and evening gowns — I opted for a tux — and attended the gala Reuben Awards banquet. My friend Carolyn looked stunning in a "copper maroon" (that's what we decided it was after extensive discussion) dress with beads and…well, she just looked great in it. TV writer (and creator of The Doozies) Tom Gammill was a superb M.C., right up there in Neil Patrick Harris territory. Lots of important people presented awards and so did I. The winners are listed here.

High-points of the weekend: Well, seeing Stan and Pauline Goldberg walking around was a big one. Stan, who's drawn more comic books than you've read, and his wife were in a terrible auto accident last November — the kind from which you'd think people of their age would never recover. They recovered. Seeing Russ Heath honored was great, even though his acceptance speech was mostly about how the tuxedo rental place hadn't given him suspenders so his pants were falling down. It was great to see folks like Mell Lazarus, Sam Viviano, Charlie Kochman, Wiley Miller, Grant Geissman, Nick Meglin, Bill Janocha, N.C.S. President Tom Richmond, John Reiner, Bill and Kayre Morrison, Greg Evans, Greg Walker, Cathy Guisewite, Weird Al Yankovic (another honoree) and I'll think of at least ninety more names after I post this.

A great event. I just can't get over the experience of coming to this part of San Diego and not hosting a dozen or more panels. I'll have to make up for it in July.