Today's Audio Link

My pal Steve Stoliar sent me this. It's a link to a 1968 interview with the great caricature artist, Al Hirschfeld.

In 1992, I had the pleasure/honor of spending an afternoon with Mr. Hirschfeld. He was drawing me, complete with NINAs in my hair, but it only took him a few minutes to do some rough sketches. (I noticed that as he drew me, he never looked at his sketch pad and I realized why that was. Mr. Hirschfeld was a theatrical cartoonist. He sat in theaters and drew what he saw on stage. When you draw in the dark, you have to get used to not looking at what you're drawing.)

We talked that day about the then-recent Rodney King riots in L.A., about Broadway and the way it's changed, about George S. Kaufman and certain Marx Brothers, about his favorite actor to draw (Zero Mostel), about once-great restaurants that had deteriorated and many other topics. Here's Mr. Hirschfeld talking about (mostly) different things…