Kim Possible

So Kim Kardashian poses for this magazine cover that has her bare butt glistening with oil and, it would seem, her waistline photoshopped down to make it thinner, therefore making her butt seem bigger. And the Internet is awash today with stories of how Ms. Kardashian's butt is "breaking" the Internet…

..and it is, sort of. It's not flooded with images of her butt. It's flooded with articles about how it's flooded with images of her butt.

Of course, almost all those articles include the image of her butt but the flood is because of all those postings about the flood.

Years ago, I think on this blog, I wrote something about Anna Nicole Smith. I said there are people in this world who are famous. Then there are people in this world who are famous for being famous. Ms. Smith, I wrote, was the first person to be famous for being famous for being famous. All her fame was built on how well she'd become famous for being famous.

When she passed away, I switched the line to Kim Kardashian and it fits even better.

And here she is, causing an Internet flood of articles about how she was causing an Internet flood which she probably wasn't causing before people started writing about how she was causing it.

I can't wait to see this taken to the next level. It will probably be a flood of people writing about how she caused an Internet flood of people writing about how she caused an Internet flood of people writing about how she caused an Internet flood of people writing about how she caused an Internet flood.