Today's Political Comment

Those of you who never liked Indiana governor Mike Pence should probably be pleased (and unsurprised) that his approval ratings have plunged since that debacle with that Religious Freedom Bigotry Restoration Act. I don't think he ever had much chance at the presidency before this but now he has about the same chance as Robert Durst…maybe a bit less.

Here's the thing: Pretty much everyone in this country has decided how they feel about Gay Marriage. If you're in favor of allowing it, you were never going to vote for Mike Pence because he's worked so much to stop it. But if you're opposed to Gay Marriage, you're also not going to vote for Mike Pence…now. You might tell pollsters you like him in order to back an anti-Gay Marriage crusader and therefore, his cause. But when it comes right down to it, you don't like the guy because he backed down on his position and his general ineptness at handling the whole matter scored a big win and a dose of empowerment for the other side. Way to go.