Recommended Reading

Could the Republican Convention be a contested one where no candidate arrives with a lock on the nomination? Donald Devine explains how possible that is (somewhat) and how that would work (messy).

I'm beginning to think Trump may indeed get the nomination. The collapse of Marco Rubio in the last few days kills a lot of the scenarios one could imagine whereby Trump wouldn't be the nominee, as does the rumored — they're saying it could happen before the day is out — surrender of Chris Christie. But then again, Rubio's unexpected crash just reminds us how unexpected things do happen when one least expects. Tomorrow, we could find out that Trump actually did shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue. And the mounting inevitability of Trump will bring more talk of third party challenges, as well as more opposition research and advertising against him.

I continue to like Bernie Sanders and hear all this talk about how he can't win. I have trouble seeing how he can beat Hillary, especially if his New Hampshire win doesn't give him a mega-bump elsewhere. As Harry Enten notes, Sanders is currently running way behind in the next batch of primary states. I have a little less trouble imagining Sanders beating Trump if it comes to that…but we have a long way to go before it may come to that.