Your Wednesday Evening Trump Dump

I have nothing particularly snarky to say so…

  • Nate Silver parses the polls and tell us that, slowly but surely, Donald Trump's base is eroding. I still don't see that it will take a precipitous drop until his supporters find a new champion to get excited about.
  • The Congressional Budget Office has released its analysis of the latest version of the American Health Care Act, aka Trumpcare. As Jordan Weissmann notes, it's about the same as the earlier version or maybe a tad worse. The point is that the promise to provide better health care for more people for less money is being broken on all three counts. So now Republicans have this problem: How do they take away the health insurance from millions of voters and allow rates to go way up on others without paying a political price for taking away the health insurance from millions of voters and allowing rates to go way up on others?
  • Sarah Kliff has more on this. As does Ezra Klein.
  • The math on Trump's proposed budget doesn't even add up on paper. Dozens of economists have pointed this out and as Jonathan Chait notes, the White House response is to just deny, deny, deny. It's like if when you were in grade school and the teacher told you that 7 plus 9 was not 18 and you tried to give her an argument about that.
  • Last January, faced with potential conflict of interest charges and laws that govern a president's business interests, Trump's company promised to donate hotel profits from foreign governments to the U.S. Treasury. But as Adam K. Raymond reports, they've now decided that's too complicated to figure out so they're not going to do that. Imagine what Republicans could do with something like that if a Clinton reneged on such a promise.

Stephen Colbert has won the season in his time slot…officially the top show now in late night. I hope he sends Donald Trump a nice gift.