This Just In…

I just had a nice gent come to my door to see if (a) I was registered for the primary and (b) I'm supporting Elizabeth Warren and (c) if not, could I be talked into supporting Elizabeth Warren. I never buy anything — be it magazine subscriptions, Fuller Brushes, a religion, a political candidate or a guaranteed-to-be-real Rolex for eight bucks — from someone who comes to my door. I do not like strangers at my door.

But this gent was polite and sincere and he didn't ask for any money so I answered him honestly. Yes, I'm registered. No, I haven't decided who I'll vote for in the primary. There's still plenty of time and you just know that a couple of those folks are going to say something or have something revealed about them that might cause you to change your vote. I'd fine with any of the top four in the White House but I'm not thrilled, for example, with Ms. Warren's quoting what Mr. Sanders said, perhaps not in perfect context, or Mr. Sanders' new ad against Mr. Biden.

And I'm not even sure if I'm going to vote for the person I think would make the best President of the United States or the person who I think might do best against Donald Trump. I'm kinda waiting for the indicators to coincide because I'd like to believe that's the same person. So far, I don't think it is.