
If you're in the market for tapes of old TV shows, then by all means check out  It's run by a fine gent named Bruce Simon who I've known since around '67.  He was a charter member of the infamous Los Angeles Comic Book Club, which I've written about many times in my column…but don't hold that against the man.  Bruce is an honest merchant, as well as a lover and preserver of vintage television and he has the only or best copies of some genuine treasures of the medium.  So stop reading this and click above!  Then go over there and buy stuff.  And tell him his old pal Mark sent you.

Just found out DC Comics is putting out a paperback in June that will collect all six issues of Fanboy, a mini-series I did last year with Sergio Aragonés and about two dozen terrific guest artists.  Sergio and I are just starting work on yet another Groo mini-series for Dark Horse.  And Graphitti Designs is bringing out a signed, limited edition hardcover collecting the two Groo graphic novels we did — The Death of Groo and The Life of Groo.  So that's the answer to the question (which people actually write to ask) of what comics I have coming soon.

Hollywood Labor News

Based on a couple of conversations over the weekend, I'm going to slightly revise my statement about a possible WGA strike and move in the direction of cautious optimism.  From what I hear, they are talking, and seriously — which has not been the norm in any Hollywood labor negotiations for quite some time.  We seem to have convinced them we have a fair amount of solidarity — something that has either been in too-short supply since the early eighties or we had it but couldn't make anyone believe it.  More importantly, they believe we have it now, months in advance of the expiration of the current contract.  Some years ago, I was on a committee at the WGA which studied the long '88 strike and attempted to determine what could be learned from it.  One key finding was that, once the AMPTP makes its first "final offer," they have a devil of a time, for internal reasons alone, moving off it, agreeing even among themselves to an improved offer.  Ergo, the time for a Guild to show its resolve is not, as it has been with past WGA strikes, after we got an unacceptable offer thrown at us; the time is before Management gets locked into a lowball.  While it's too early to be confident they'll arrive at a deal and head off a work stoppage in May, I do think the current Guild leadership has avoided at least one big sand trap.  Maybe.

Hollywood Labor News

The Writers Guild website — — is currently featuring a funny article by Steve Martin about the "possessory credit" that is an issue in the pending WGA strike.  You'll also find the writers' side — and therefore, the correct side, as far as we're concerned around here — of other issues in the current negotiations.  The possessory credit is a major issue which will probably be dropped from the discussions any day now.  (By the way: There's a funny, official website for Mr. Martin at

And no, I can't tell you if there will be a Writers Strike or not.  I think it's encouraging that there are negotiations at all.  The posture of the AMPTP (i.e., Management) when past contracts with the WGA expired was to refuse to listen to our demands, to hand us a "final offer" filled with rollbacks and to throw our negotiating team out the door.  So at least, this time, they're talking. On the other hand, the Guild is asking for some pretty solid upgrades…and not only are the producers greedy swine, they're greedy swine who have successfully kept all the Hollywood unions on the defensive for years.  They surely don't want to let one labor organization make significant gains, for fear it'll start a trend.  So I think it's going to get ugly…and your guess is as good as mine as to how ugly.

Back from Vegas

Just returned from a quick (one night) trip back to Vegas for a business-type meeting.  In the baggage claim area at McCarren Airport, there's a monitor that's supposed to show you which carousel your Samsonite might be showing up on.  Instead, it had the "blue screen of death" which every Windows user knows as the sign that your system's gone kablooey.  What is it about Vegas and Windows error messages?

Had a beautiful room at the relatively-new (and quite beautiful) Mandalay Bay resort.  It would have been the nicest non-suite hotel room I ever had in Vegas, had the mattress not had the consistency of one of Fred Flintstone's tires.  I didn't take a computer on this jaunt, not even my little palmtop Jornada — first time I've gone 24 hours without touching a computer since I got my first, steam-powered laptop back in the Mesozoic Era.  I almost went through withdrawal and started wondering if they have some kind of patch you can wear to break the addiction.

Sunday Evening

I was very glad that my buddy Lee Nordling wrote his tome on newspaper syndication, Your Career in the Comics.  About three times a month, someone writes or calls to ask me how to sell their sure-fire, can't-miss, certain- to-eclipse-Peanuts strip idea.  You have no idea how much time it saves to just tell them to go buy Lee's book.  It really is a wonderful overview of a complicated, capricious business, and it explains things far better than I could ever manage.  If you're interested in syndicated comics, it's a must-buy.

The thing that gets me is that, ever since I recommended it in my column, I instead get calls and e-mails inquiring as to how and where one might procure a copy of said book.  Well, how about almost any large bookstore anywhere?  It can't be that difficult to find, considering that the websites for Amazon-dot-com and Borders both say it usually ships in 24 hours.  How lazy and/or dense do you have to be to e-mail me instead of typing in and doing a search for "Lee Nordling?"  Or picking up the phone and calling Waldenbooks?

If you're interested in the press recount of the votes in Florida, a fine site to visit is that of the Miami Herald, which is doing their own audit, as well as reporting on others.  Somewhere on the page you'll reach by clicking that name, you'll find a section called "Florida Count: What Went Wrong."  This will help you wade past the Bush partisans who have no idea what the ballots said but will never admit their boy didn't get more votes, as well as the Gore supporters who have no idea what the ballots said but will never admit their boy didn't get more votes.  It's kinda frustrating that the history of this whole sorry blight on democracy will be written by whichever of those groups is more adept at spin and press manipulation and not, say, by people who want to know what the actual vote was, or should have been.

Lastly for today, I want to thank all of you who've written nice e-mails about this site and chatted it up across the web.  I'll be adding more columns some time in the future…whenever I feel you've all read most of what's already here.  And I have a few other add-ons in mind, if and when I get the time.  I don't know when that might be, either.

Strip Joints

There are many reasons to pay regular visits to — that is, presuming you have even a fraction of the admiration I have for Garry Trudeau's newspaper strip.  One is that you can order your Doonesbury books there and, for no extra tariff, they'll come autographed by Mr. Trudeau.  Secondly, the site features some very clever games, activities and web animations.  Thirdly: You can also now sign up to have the Doonesbury strip e-mailed to you each day.  (Actually, they don't e-mail you the actual strip.  They send you an e-mail that contains a link to take you to their website — — where you can view that day's strip…in full color, no less.)  Matter of fact, you can subscribe for any or all of the Universal Press strips, including Garfield, Ziggy, Cathy or even Calvin & Hobbes flashbacks.

You can also sign up for any or all of them over at  I assume other strips have done this before but for features of this importance, daily e-mail delivery — even of strips that are a bit out of date — is quite significant.  And it may have a lot to do with the way comic strips will be distributed in the future.

Barn Yard

My pal Aaron Barnhart is the TV critic for the Kansas City Star but never mind that.  Of greater interest is that he posts lots of interesting articles on his website, TV Barn.  Most are by Aaron but there are occasional (and swell) pieces by others.  DVDs are often reviewed by another pal o' mine, Andy Ihnatko, and Andy has a particularly good one up at the moment — a funny and perceptive piece on everyone's favorite rockumentary, This is Spinal Tap.  Of special note is that Andy compares the two different versions which have made it to DVD.  If you're contemplating a purchase, you definitely need to read Andy's article — an activity you can do by clicking on the little, underlined, different color word, here.

All-Star Review

The All-Star Companion, edited by Roy Thomas.  End of review.

Okay, I'll write a little more: I just got mine and I can't imagine a better look at a great — some would say, the greatest — comic book of the forties.  Roy, Dr. Jerry Bails and a distinguished flock of experts have wrung out every conceivable fact, insight and bit of trivia about All-Star Comics.  The only regret is that the marketplace didn't support this kind of thing years ago, when more of the comic's creators were alive and available for interviewing and to enjoy the finished product.  This handsome volume is available from its issuer, TwoMorrows Publishing and most comic shops and dealers, and it'll make a nice companion to that Julie Schwartz book that you just rushed out to purchase on my recommendation.  Put them side by side on your shelf.

Playing Doctor

Here's a referral I meant to mention earlier.  We've recently seen a mess of Dr. Seuss parodies — some of them reviews of the new Grinch movie; others, variations on How the Bush Stole the Election.  I've seen at least four versions of the latter…five, counting Bill Maher's on Politically Incorrect.  The best one I came across was over at Slate Magazine and you can probably still access it (in text or audio versions) by clicking here.

Vegas, Baby

Stayed a few extra days in Vegas, saw a few more shows.  Show prices are rising faster than Al Gore's vote total in Florida.

Funniest thing I saw in Vegas since the previous funny thing: A memorabilia shop called Antiquities in the Caesars Palace mall is selling a hairpiece that they claim was worn by Frank Sinatra.  How could you possibly authenticate such a thing?  (Also saw more Windows error messages in public places…in this case, on the monitors at the airport giving Arrival and Departure times.)

Max Bialystock Lives!

Here we see Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick, who are starring in the new stage version of Mel Brooks's The Producers, presently heading for Broadway by way of Chicago.  That's a great movie and two terrific stage performers, and I have no idea if I think this is a sure-fire smash or a probable disaster, though I'm certainly eager to see which.

The show has a site that's going up any day — which you can reach by clicking here — and there are lots of rehearsal photos over at Broadway.Com and even more at Theatre.Com, along with a summary you may not wish to read of how the plot differs from the film.  More plot details can also be found in an article at Playbill.Com.

So would you invest money in a play about two guys who con people into investing money in a play?  And just how do we know Mel hasn't sold 25,000% of this thing?

Outta Town

Visiting Las Vegas I went to shows, attended the Video Software Dealers Association convention and got a lot of writing done on my laptop which, being almost a year old, is hopelessly obsolete.  The V.S.D.A. con was a sparsely-attended bore.

Almost as few people were in the audience when I saw my pal Pete Barbutti, who is fronting a strip revue at the Plaza downtown, but that was far from a bore.  Pete — who logged an amazing 65 appearances on Mr. Carson's Tonight Show — is one of the great storytellers and stand-ups, and a master at working a dead house, which is the norm for the shabby Plaza showroom.  No one else could have gotten that much laughter out of so few people, and a lot of it came from me.  (And, yes, Pete has a website.  The link is right here.)

Also caught Legends of Comedy, an impersonator show at the New Frontier which features fine carbons of Jay Leno, Roseanne, George Burns, Rodney Dangerfield, etc.  This is a nice, little show which could be a killer if located in a hotel that (a) wasn't a dump and (b) would make room to advertise it on the big sign outside.  Its producer is another pal o' mine and I told him he should try to hire the publicist who's promoting the $3.99 Prime Rib Dinner in the coffee shop.

Funniest thing I saw in Vegas besides Pete Barbutti: Outside the Paris hotel right on The Strip, there's a 15-foot illuminated sign that flashes messages about eateries and shows.  The graphics come from a computer and Tuesday, when I walked past, there was a huge Windows error message up there — "System Resources Are Low."  It looked like the screen of a cheap home P.C. blown up to billboard size — and the window that contained that message was partially-overlapping one that was running Dr. Watson, a primitive Windows diagnostic program.  Computer buffs were standing around on Las Vegas Boulevard (the C.E.S. is in town) and laughing, "They can't even afford the Norton Utilities!"

On Gordo and Other Topics…

R.C. Harvey writes solid, incisive articles and books on comic art.  You can read some of the former and order most of the latter at his website, which is reachable by clicking…oh, let's have you click right here.  I don't want to slight his other works as I gush over his most recent release, which is Accidental Ambassador Gordo: The Comic Strip Art of Gus Arriola.  It's both a sampler of a splendid, underrated newspaper strip and a biography of the fine cartoonist who produced it for an astounding 44 years.  (It's also a mystery: Why was this sweet, wonderful strip in so few papers and so often overlooked by the cartooning community?)  Anyway, you can buy the book many places but if you buy it from Bob's site, he'll sign it for you and you can order his other volumes while you're at it.  I suggest you do this.

I get my computer equipment from a gent named Bill Goldstein who is that rarity: An expert who really is an expert…and is honest, to boot.  If you live anywhere near L.A., I highly recommend Bill for all your computer needs.  If you don't live near L.A., you oughta at least visit his website and read up on how to delete personal files from a computer before you give it to someone else.  In fact, you might like to view a short segment Bill did on a local news broadcast, which you can also do on his page.  They went to thrift shops and Bill took donated computers and restored all the allegedly-deleted data (financial files, passwords, etc.) of the donors to demonstrate how easy it sometimes can be.  It'll make you go racing to reclaim that antique 286 you gave to your nephew.

Scott Shaw! and Jerry Beck confirm my belief that Hanna-Barbera never produced a Car 54 cartoon show.  The studio tried to sell one, as witness the presentation art over on the Car 54 website…but, like most studios, H-B tried to sell hundreds of shows that never made it to actual production.  Scott and I got to recalling some of the weirder ones we'd witnessed and/or worked on…and I suspect we'll do an article somewhere about them.  Some were just as bizarre as (awkward segue to plug:) anything you'll find in Scott's Monday-thru-Friday Oddball Comics column over on Comic Book Resources.  It is, like Scott, always entertaining…and hard to forget.

Oooh! Oooh!


Ooh! Ooh! It's amazing how many TV shows have spawned fan-concocted websites full of photos, facts and even audio/video downloads.  I just happened on one for one of my favorite shows, Car 54, Where Are You?  You can check it out by clicking here.  And if you do and you're Jerry Beck or Scott Shaw!, check out the section on an alleged Hanna-Barbera Car 54 cartoon show which, the operators of this site say, existed for eight episodes within the series, Wait 'Til Your Father Gets Home.  This one's news to me, folks, but the artwork looks like a legit presentation done at the H-B Studio.

From their site — and now, from this one — you can hop to the official website of Al "Grandpa Munster" Lewis.  It's also amazing how many stars of TV shows past are selling autographed pics and such through personal pages.  Gilligan's Island fans can visit sites for Bob Denver, Dawn Wells and "Professor" Russell Johnson.  Fans of the Batman TV show can snag pics of Adam West, Yvonne Craig and Frank GorshinLarry Hagman has a website.  So does Dwayne Hickman, who played Dobie Gillis.  Bernie Kopell from Love Boat has a site, Erik Estrada has one that plays the theme from CHiPs…even my dear pal Howie Morris has one that sells Ernest T. Bass memorabilia.  These folks are making more money on the Internet than two-thirds of the "dot-com" companies out there…and I think it's terrific.


Carl Barks • Photo by ME

Had lunch yesterday with my buddy Dan Gheno.  I've known Dan since around 1970 and watched him turn from a devout comic fan/letter column filler into a superb painter and art teacher who has been, among other achievements, recently cover-featured on American Artist.

This is not to suggest he is not still a devout comic fan.  You can reach his website by clicking here.  There, you'll find not only his recollections, including one of a 1973 visit that a group of us slobbering duck fans paid to Carl Barks.  That's when I took the above photo.  There's also a terrific interview with Dan Spiegle and other treasures.  And while you're in that neighborhood, click over to the section that showcases Dan's paintings and enjoy his unique, penetrating approach to portraiture.  He's another of the good guys and it's great to have him on the web.