Your Friday Trump Dump

My shoulder healed itself — without so much as one Ibuprofen — so I am able to type this special edition for you. It deals, of course, with Michael Wolff's new book on the Trump White House…

  • Matt Taibbi hopes that that new book is correct in portraying Trump as a buffoon. Taibbi's logic is that if D.J.T. knew how to accomplish anything, he might really be dangerous. I'm not sure I buy this.
  • William Saletan tackles the part of Michael Wollf's book that says Trump never wanted to be president and says that explains a lot. I'm pretty sure I don't buy this but I might believe he was unprepared to win.
  • Did author Michael Wolff actually have access to the White House — a claim Mr. Trump seems to be denying? Politifact says yes.
  • So…how much of this book should we believe? Andrew Prokop offers some guidelines. I'm thinking the rule should be that a book about a famous person doesn't have to be totally accurate. It just has to be more accurate than the famous person.
  • And here's one of many online excerpts of the book.

Meanwhile in other news: Mathematicians have discovered a new prime number and it takes 23 million digits to write it out. This will come in so handy.