Today's Video Link

I used to cook for myself from time to time but rarely do anymore. Apart from a severe Lack of Time, my urges have been killed by watching cooking videos online and realizing that I haven't the knowledge or patience to do it well. The unspoken subtext of every Alton Brown video to me seems to be "Everyone but Alton Brown is too dumb to prepare food properly." I actually like watching him in action because he's very entertaining, he does seem to know what he's talking about and once I see him make a meat loaf, I can tell myself "I don't have the time or skills necessary to make a meat loaf!" I rather enjoy being freed from feeling I should do that.

Lately, I sometimes watch Food Wishes videos from Chef John. Here he is telling you (a) how to make a ketchup at home and (b) why it's really, really stupid to make ketchup at home. This is the kind of cooking video I like: The kind where after you watch it, you feel really good about not doing it yourself…