Report From Comic-Con Nation

Do not infer anything from the time stamp on this posting. I'm having a very good time at Comic-Con International in San Diego and getting enough sleep. Did two panels on Thursday with something like thirteen to go. Saw a lot of friends. I always have a very good time at these.

People who follow this blog keep asking me how my foot is. It's fine. It's the left knee that's giving me a spot of trouble — the knee I didn't have replaced at the end of September of 2015 and then re-replaced just after the following Halloween. That was the right one I had done because it had worn out and I pondered then why just one. After all, I got both knees at the same time and since I've never done much hopping, I'd taken approximately the same number of steps with each one.

Well, the left knee is now the one giving me problems. Still works but not as well as it should and at the con, I find myself sometimes wishing I could take a Lyft from one end of the hall to the other. More seriously, I wish for more places to sit…and I do better walking than standing in one place. I don't know if this knee's going to need the same upgrade. This seems more like an arthritis problem than a meniscus deficiency, and my doctors think surgery is not in the cards for a long while, if ever.

So instead of spending the con standing around talking to people, I'm spending it sitting and talking to people or walking and talking to people…and looking more infirm than I really am when I get up from low chairs. Aside from that, it's Comic-Con, same as it ever was…