Your Daily Trump Dump

Today's Bad News for Donald Trump
Trump's lawyers keep fighting in the courts over a New York law that, if you just read it, says that his tax returns can be subpoenaed. And they keep losing.

Today's Outrage by Donald Trump
As the House Intelligence committee continues to release transcripts of its in-secret hearings, Trump continues to complain that chairman Adam Schiff is doctoring the transcripts. But lawyers for some of the witnesses whose testimony has been released don't seem to think that, nor do Republican members of the committee who participated in those interrogations. Will Trump stick with his charge and refuse to retract it? Hey, does a goose go barefoot?

An Article of Interest
Trump and his minions continue to demand that the Whistleblower be identified and cross-examined. It's pretty obvious that they want to smear the guy (and scare off other potential whistleblowers) and that if they can in any way discredit him — say, if he voted for a Democrat in the last twenty years — then they'll argue that that voids his allegations and proves them to be phony. Never mind that most of them have been independently corroborated, in many cases by Trump appointees and associates. William Saletan discusses how much corroboration there has been.