Dispatches From the Fortress – Day 260

Happy T-Day to all. Turkey is one of my favorite foods and I eat it often. I have no relatives this side of the Mississippi River. I don't watch sports. I gave up watching Thanksgiving Parades long ago when they stopped being parades and started being infomercials. And I'm not thinking in the least about Christmas shopping. Ergo, the only special thing about this day is that there's no mail delivery and the phone isn't ringing…much.

Oh — and there isn't much news of a political variety. That's a good thing.

I'm thankful for friends…and that most if not all of mine are wise enough not to defy common sense warnings about The Disease. I'm concerned that we won't all be rid of it until more people take it seriously.

The other day I stumbled onto an online forum of folks who were trying to top each other, bragging about how little they were worried about getting COVID-19 and/or passing it on to others. It reminded me of those Four Yorkshiremen — you know the ones — boasting about having to live in a lake or a rolled-up newspaper.

Some still thought it was a myth and that all those folks who've allegedly died or been hospitalized for it are either non-existent or people who died or were hospitalized for other causes. It was a pretty scary forum and I hurriedly clicked elsewhere.

I continue to get more and more e-mails from the Trump campaign promising that any day now, they'll be filing the most massive lawsuit ever. It will be backed by tons of undeniable evidence that Trump not only beat Biden but beat him by the largest margin in any election ever for anything. But they need at least five dollars from me to make it happen. You wonder how many who buy into all this have considered Chris Christie's statement the other day: "Trump's legal team discusses fraud outside the courtroom but when they go inside the courtroom, they don't plead fraud and they don't argue fraud."

Over on Twitter, I came across this from Glenn Kessler, who fact-checks for The Washington Post

It's amazing how the US election infrastructure was working just fine in 2016, when Trump won the presidency, but now in 2020 it's like a "third-world country" when he lost. Who was president during that period of decline?

Answer: It was that guy who won so much, he must have, like he said, just gotten tired of winning. Happy Rest of Today, everyone!