Today's Video Link

I was and am a big fan of a musical that came out a few years ago called Something Rotten. I never got to see it on Broadway but I saw two different national companies of it — one in Los Angeles and one in San Jose — and I enjoyed it a lot both times.

The best number in it by far was "A Musical," a slightly-cut version of which was performed as the opening of the Tony Awards in 2015. Here's a video of that number as performed by a touring company that was, at the time this video was made, in Korea. Don't worry. It's in English. But if you know Korean, you can sing along with the subtitles.

I don't know who anyone is in this clip and it could have benefited a lot from being recorded in front of a live audience, which would have loved it as every audience loves it. This is the actual staging from the U.S. version and it's probably the same sets and costumes from one of those touring companies…