Today's Video Link

I mentioned Dodger Stadium here yesterday and casually remarked that when it was built, people were probably sad to lose whatever it displaced. As several correspondents have reminded me, "sad" doesn't begin to describe what happened. "Furious" would be a better word as it was one of the most shameful episodes in the history of this city.

Naturally, I was too young to follow the story at the time but I remember some of the lingering outrage in the sixties. I knew a lot of people had been displaced from their homes in order to build Chavez Ravine but I didn't realize how many…or how poorly they'd been compensated for the seizing of their property.

It's one of those stories that should be remembered if only so we never do anything like that again. An e-mail from Chris Powe led me to this video which tells the sordid tale. Warning: If you have an ounce of humanity within you, it will make you angry…